We could not do the work that we do without the generous support of the following individuals and businesses on our community
A special Thank You to all who contributed to our year-end matching fund drive- thanks to your support we raised over $4,000.00!
Jan Davis
Gudrun Zomerland, MFT
Doris Poggenberg
Judy Peletz, MFT
Diane Camurat, MFTI
Marcia Koltonow, MFT
Ann Strack, PhD
Carol Jorgeson and Diane Brown
Carol Krug
Catherine Murray
Daisy Greaves
Elizabeth Schreiber, PhD
Jan Ogren, MFT
Jude Beardsley
MaryClare Lawrence and Katie Anderson, MFT
Marie Meredith
Mira Wonderwheel
Nancy Feehan, MFT
Nyla Fleig
Barbara Bowen, LCSW
Barrie Mason, MFT
Denise Traina, PhD
Diane Nissen
Dinah Bachrach, MFT
Gloria Biddle, MFT
Gudrun Weber
Joan Etchandy
Lee Miller
Linda Gold, MFT
Lucas Plumb, PhD
Roberta Goldfarb, PhD
Dena Bliss
Fran Danoff, MFT
Karen Bartlett
Megan Safford Nishibori, MFT
Pam Teague, LCSW
Susan Kistin, MFT
And thank you to the individuals and businesses below who support us in many ways throughout the year:
For more information click on the underlined name
Joe Barkela/J&B Construction
Center for Spiritual Living Santa Rosa
Victor Cummings
The Freitas Foundation
Moore Heating and Air Conditioning